Sunday, September 6, 2009

What a difference one little change can make!

While Liz & Bianca, the art historians are focused on other Gallery projects right now, I thought I'd fill in the blog with more operational blabber - and how unbelievable one change can make in the appearance of the Gallery! Yesterday we repurposed some old chrome shelves from the Christmas Cottage in our black & white boutique / workshop area and it looks like an entirely different place! We've been getting so much new merchandise in we had to create some new space for it. Got a couple days off now, the calm before the storm... between the impending holiday season (that has happily already started to show itself in both the Gallery and the Cottage), the Main Street Masters of Art the first weekend in October AND the resignation of Bianca, (going to be a full-time Mommy!), there will be NO rest after this labor day weekend!

In keeping with the "what a difference one little change can make" theme, we've got a pretty cool "You Call THAT Art?" planned for the 19th too - Italian Renaissance Art: among other images, we'll be looking at the different artists's interpretations of their statues of David. To complement this free session (2-4pm), we have the Father-Son team from Pappagallo's restaurant in Satellite Beach coming in to show us the fine art of pizza spinning and offering a few vittles of their Italian fare (Their "Pastagallo bowl" is a MUST! with 3 generations of Italians cooking, you know its great!). "Pappagallo" means parrot in Italian, so they will be bringing "Romeo" their Green-winged Macaw to help squawk about the different artists' use of marble, bronze & paint!

Stop in on the 19th (but call first 321-722-6000), you may even be able to try your hand at spinning with their "trainer pizza dough" - and in the meantime, try making a change in your own place, you never know what moving a chair or sofa can do for a room, at no cost!


1 comment:

Chelsey Austin said...

I am still amazed at all of the stuff are able to fit into the Christmas cottage...