Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Number One Rule

Art truly is for everyone.  There are so many artists with a vast amount of styles and techniques creating millions of different subjects.  The most important thing to remember when buying art is to BUY WHAT YOU LOVE!  Buying art is a very personal decision and is usually based on an emotional connection made between the piece and the person looking at it.  Remember that when you are buying art in a gallery setting that the consultants are not there to tell you that you like a particular piece of work.  A good art consultant can help you realize what makes you like a piece of art work and can give you information about an artist, style and even some art historical background.   Find the right piece for yourself at the right time in your life.  Just because you rent a small apartment or live on a limited budget does not mean that you cannot collect art.  Many artists now have begun creating smaller original works (for limited wall space, and a lower budget.)  Most artists have their works reproduced (limited) by the giclée process making their art more affordable and available to the average collector.  If  piece of work is out of your price range ask the consultant or artist if you can negotiate a payment plan.  Art buying can be a fun and pleasurable experience if you can just remember to buy what you love.  Tell me your art buying experiences if you like, I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

David Lloyd Stewart said...

I'm anxious to see what you post!
Just a suggestion on your choice of font color for your blog - the whole thing is WAY too dark, especially the dark red headlines, etc., which are almost illegible. Even the grey you've chosen for the text is too dark to be comfortably read. Also, some graphics or pictures would serve to spark interest.